Amaury Guichon Left TikTok In Awe With A Chocolate Foosball Table

If you love reality TV and chocolate, then "School of Chocolate" hosted by Amaury Guichon may well be on your watch list. One reason Reddit loves "School of Chocolate" is that no one gets eliminated. Instead, contestants get to continue learning and improving their craft. But another compelling element of the show is Guichon, a pastry chef who works wonders with chocolate, using it to make hyper-realistic objects. Instagram was mesmerized by Guichon's cello made out of chocolate, and recently, he posted another video of his chocolate work.


In honor of the World Cup, Guichon posted a TikTok where he makes a foosball table entirely out of chocolate. The video is a sped-up version of the full process, and the attention to detail is incredible. The entire table is made with chocolate and then painted bright yellow. Each foosball player is carefully crafted in a mold and then painted. And of course, the soccer balls are made out of chocolate. The most impressive thing about this is that the foosball table is functional — at the end of the video, Guichon shows off his foosball skills before popping a chocolate soccer ball in his mouth.

Here's what TikTok had to say about Amaury Guichon's chocolate foosball table

Not convinced that this is chocolate? At first glance, someone could absolutely think they were looking at an ordinary foosball table, and the top comment on Amaury Guichon's foosball TikTok seems to agree: "My brain isn't accepting that this is fully chocolate." Another person was blown away and commented, "This is one of the best creations from chocolate that I've seen from him. This guy is a culinary genius!" One impressed viewer seemed to think Guichon was the second coming of Willy Wonka while another declared that the chocolate maestro was an engineer.


Some TikTok users were wondering what happens to all of that chocolate, and @chefreactions captioned a reaction duet with "would not eat simply out of respect." That account, which has a major TikTok following, was asked many times to react to Guichon's foosball table and rated the chocolate masterpiece "a billion out of 10."

This isn't the first time that Guichon has caught TikTok's attention. His videos get millions of views, and last year, Amaury Guichon stunned TikTok with his chocolate nutcracker drummer boy. Although we can't all make chocolate creations this realistic, you can easily get better at working with chocolate in your own kitchen. Learn more about why you should be avoiding quick temperature changes when working with chocolate and the best method to chop up chocolate for your baked goods.


