Bobby Flay Confessed His Serious Attachment To Garlic

Garlic poses a conundrum. While few aromas are more alluring than that of cooking garlic, few things are more repulsive than one's breath after having consumed it. Still, it remains one of America's most used seasonings – garlic breath, be damned. In fact, Penn State purports that not only do Americans now eat four times as much garlic as they did in 1980, but per capita consumption now stands at about two pounds. That'll keep the vampires away.  


What is pushing this increase in garlic use? There are likely several reasons, one being that the garlic plant, itself, is a tough dude. Gilroy Garlic shares that it fares well when it comes to garden pests, seldom succumbs to disease, and isn't fussy about its growing conditions. That's not the only explanation either. Columnist, Anna Jones, tells The Guardian that it has become the go-to spice (she believes it's overused) due to the public's penchant for "a big punch of flavor" in their dishes. She goes on to explain that too many rely on garlic for that instead of opting for other spices and seasonings. 

For some, it is simply a case of loving garlic. If you are obsessed with this flavoring, you are in company. Some of the greatest culinary geniuses are guilty of being "all about garlic," too. Bobby Flay is one of them. 


Bobby Flay says he would have no life without garlic

When celebrity chef Bobby Flay shared how to make his Mustard Aioli Grilled Potatoes on the Food Network YouTube channel, he made one surprising confession: "Without garlic, I would have no life." Yes, this is a man who appreciates a good bulb or two. And he is not alone. 


The Toronto Garlic Festival reminisces about the time Anthony Bourdain said, "Garlic is divine. Few food items can taste so many distinct ways, handled correctly." The festival goes on to add that food and wine author, Angelo Pellegrini, also wrote that garlic "blesses and ennobles everything it touches – with the possible exception of ice cream and pie." Both men clearly possess an abundance of appreciation for garlic. The very fact that Alton Brown has devised a recipe called "40 Cloves and a Chicken" points to the fact that the man is clearly a garlic lover. Then, of course there is Ina Garten's similarly titled "Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic," which lends credence to her penchant for this flavoring as well. 


Clearly, the cooking realm's experts are of the belief that the aroma of garlic and its scrumptious taste are well worth the resulting case of halitosis. If you are of the same opinion, remember to always carry a breath mint. Or a dozen. 

