Mashed Survey: What's The Best Condiment To Put On A Burger That's Not Ketchup?

Ketchup has long been the condiment of choice when it comes to adding flavor to a hamburger. For many, this preference has its origins in childhood. After all, many kids like to play it safe, opting for what they know. Since ketchup is often slathered on everything from French fries to chicken fingers, this familiar taste is likely perceived as a great flavor enhancer for burgers as well. 


The TakeOut agrees, saying that ketchup's inherent tanginess pairs perfectly with beef's savoriness. The outlet also adds that, since your fries also go well with ketchup, it adds to the dish's continuity. This all seems perfectly logical. 

And, according to a survey by YouGov, Americans concur. When asked what toppings they like best on their burger, respondents overwhelmingly pointed to ketchup as their favorite, with 58% of the votes. Mustard came in second with 44%, mayo/aioli placed third with 38%, and relish yielded 9%. Clearly, ketchup is the nation's go-to hamburger condiment.

But what would you do if you found yourself, suddenly, in a world without ketchup (oh, the horrors)? What would you put on your burger instead? A recent Mashed survey generated some interesting results.


Mashed's survey crowned mayonnaise victorious

A recent Mashed survey asked 604 Americans, "What's the best condiment to put on a burger that's not ketchup?" And a clear winner emerged. With 38.91% of the votes, mayonnaise was crowned victorious. The runner-up was mustard with 25.66% of the nods, while BBQ sauce placed third with a 17.72% approval rating. Ranch received 9.93% of the thumbs-up, while hot sauce placed last with 7.78%. 


Mashed's respondents are not the only ones who love their burgers slathered in mayo. In fact, Esquire posits that mayonnaise is superior to ketchup as a burger accompaniment as its taste is less overpowering and acidic. They go on to add that mayo also has a remarkable "viscous texture," enabling it to "hold its own against the crumble of beef, ooze of meat juices, and crunch of lettuce and onion." 

If you've never tried mayo on a hamburger before, this has likely piqued your curiosity. America's Test Kitchen also recommends this choice, saying that mayo's substantial fat content boosts the beef's flavor, adding a "luxurious richness." 

Clearly, these survey respondents know a thing or two about burgers. After all, who wouldn't want one that can be described as "luxuriously rich"? If you'd like to experiment with a mayonnaise burger for yourself, you may want to check out Gordon Ramsay's burger recipe


