So Delicious Dropped A Limited Edition Dairy-Free Holiday Nog

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and you know what that means. It's almost the holidays. And that means it's now nog o'clock somewhere. That may mean getting fancy with a homemade eggnog recipe – but not everyone is able to indulge in that holiday delicacy due to dietary restrictions or food allergies.


But while it used to be that you could only get gloppy nog in stores made of creamed eggs and rich dairy milks, these days, there are all kinds of plant-based nogs out there bringing you creamy nuttiness (without the cream).

Plant-based nogs are also a great option for people with high cholesterol. A half-cup serving of Hood's Golden Eggnog, for example, has 20% of your recommended daily value of cholesterol, as well as 9 grams of fat and 5 grams of saturated fat (a quarter of your daily recommended saturated fat allowance). And who's going to stop at one measly little half-cup?

Get your plant-based nog on

If you're a vegan or vegetarian nog lover (or a nog lover with food allergies), good news is coming your way. Plant-based nogs will be appearing once again in your grocery store dairy cooler. Only available during the holiday season, So Delicious is bringing back its Coconutmilk Holiday Nog. This coconut-based beverage stands out for its short ingredients list and stand-out creamy flavor and rich coconut texture. In fact, we even ranked it as one of the best store-bought eggnogs, beating out high-end traditional nog Horizon Organics and supermarket staple Lucerne Dairy, among numerous others. It only packs in 2 grams of fat and 90 calories per serving. Plus, it's 100% cholesterol-free.


Another great option for the dairy-impaired this holiday season is Silk Nog. Both are only available during the holiday season, so stock up while you can. Silk Nog is made with soy milk. It boasts notes of cinnamon and nutmeg and is made with just a hint of real rum for added flavor impact. At only $2.89, it's also slightly cheaper than So Delicious's Holiday Nog, which retails for $3.19. However, in the spirit of fairness, Silk Nog did bottom out our list of store-bought nogs.

