The Best Way To Cook A Steak, According To Joel McHale - Exclusive

One could argue there are few things Joel McHale can't do. He can act, he can crack a joke like no other, and he hosts a range of TV shows. He can also sing, he can bust a move, he can make a heck of a cocktail, and he can even cook. McHale discussed all that and more when catching up with Mashed recently, sharing the latest on some of his recent projects, as well as his plans for the upcoming holidays.


Along with making drinks -– the perks of having a Chief Happy Hour Officer in the family, right? –- McHale mentioned in an exclusive interview with Mashed that he usually does a lot of the cooking for his Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings. And no matter what the season is, McHale loves making himself a big, juicy, satisfying steak. That's the kind of meal that never gets old, yet there are plenty of mistakes a person can make when cooking steak. Well naturally, McHale is characteristically confident in his skills and detailed his own expert method for making a great steak.

For great steak, you need a lot of butter and salt, says Joel McHale

Joel McHale says that, easily, his best recipe is "my brown butter steak." In fact, in true McHale fashion, he exclaims that his steak recipe is so good, "You will scream, 'There is a God,' when you eat it." And the key to making a great steak according to McHale's method starts right off the bat with meat selection. McHale tells Mashed he goes for "a bone-in ribeye," and a big one at that. "It's pretty thick. It's an inch and a half to two inches thick, so it is a huge piece of meat."


Next, McHale says to add three sticks of butter to a super hot pan and "let it burn until it gets brown and there are those black spots of burnt butter." Before you put the meat on the heat, McHale says, "You take that steak, and you pack it with salt and pepper like it's a career." If you feel like you're adding too much, you're probably doing it right, according to McHale. 

Then, adjust the temperature in your pan or skillet. "You're not going raging hot. It's not jumping out of the pan, but it's still pretty hot," says McHale.

Finally, place your salt and pepper-crusted steak into the brown butter, "and you do not move it for about four minutes," says McHale. To finish, "turn it over for another four minutes and then you finish it in the oven," and then, of course, always "let it rest for about 10 minutes."


Check out the latest from Joel McHale on his Instagram. And get the Chief Happy Hour Officer's best cocktail tips and recipes by checking out Q Mixers.

