Does Hell's Kitchen Have Reshoots?

When it comes to Gordon Ramsay's "Hell's Kitchen," there are certain things that hardcore fans know. The contestants are going to be put through the wringer, forced to endure unbearably long hours, kept secluded from the outside world, and subjected to nerve-racking competition under the scrutiny of Chef Ramsay's critical eye. They also know that the host will curse, wrinkle his forehead in frustration, and throw food across the room. One thing many don't know, however, is whether or not the show reshoots scenes.


First of all, what is a "reshoot?" According to Collider, this is when filmmakers have to redo previously recorded scenes or add completely new ones. It can be done for any number of reasons including a switch in settings, to better clarify the plot, or to play up cast members' chemistry. Surely, a reality TV show wouldn't go back and make changes, thereby erasing the "reality" component, right? 

Believe it or not, it does happen but naturally, "Hell's Kitchen" devotees want to believe that all of the reality cooking show's scenes are, in fact, real. 

There are cameras everywhere

Fans of "Hell's Kitchen" will be relieved to hear that there are no reshoots. When the New York Post spoke with former contestants about their experiences, Robert Hesse of season 6 proclaimed that filming is constant and that reshoots simply don't exist. He adds that host Gordon Ramsay "is a bees' nest, and they throw it in a room, shake it up and see who gets stung." With cameras placed everywhere, the show is able to capture everything that transpires. Seth Levin also of season 6 said there are cameras behind mirrors, in the dining room, and on both sides of the kitchen.


With little downtime, high levels of stress, and friction between competitors, real events are likely more interesting than anything recreated could ever be. Plus, when it comes to the diners, they can hear everything as The Richest reveals that they are all in close proximity to the soundstage. It's hard to "fake" scenes with a dining room full of witnesses. Shockingly, what you see occur on "Hell's Kitchen" is the real deal. 

