Chobani's New TikTok Chief Flavor Taster Contest Can Win You A Free Trip

It seems pretty much guaranteed that every day is a national day for something – if not four or five things. August 4, for example, was National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, National Coast Guard Day, and National IPA Day, according to National Day Calendar. December 4 is not only National Cookie Day but a holiday for Cabernet Franc, socks, Santa's list, dice, wildlife conservation, and cheetahs. So it stands to reason that there's a National Greek Yogurt Day – not to be confused with National Frozen Yogurt Day in February. On November 9, people can celebrate National Greek Yogurt Day. And, since Chobani makes a lot of Greek yogurt products, it wants to mark the day in a special way.


In a statement shared with Mashed, Chobani announced that it's holding a competition, and the winner will get to visit the company's factory in Twin Falls, Idaho. This was the largest yogurt plant in the world when it opened in 2012, boasting some 1 million square feet, according to a press release. The facility, which took 11 months to build, produces a variety of products, including the Chobani Flip which is the basis of the competition.

Win a tour of Chobani's Idaho headquarters

According to a statement received by Mashed, for the Chobani Flip Chief Flavor Taster Contest, participants can post a video of their favorite top three Chobani Flip flavors. They must enter the hashtag #ChobaniFlipCFT along with their entry. They must also follow the brand's TikTok page, @chobani. The competition is open from now until November 30, and Chobani will name the winner on TikTok in December. Not only will that person get to tour the Twin Falls facility, but they will also get to sample Flp flavors that haven't been released yet.


What might a competition entry look like? The Food Guy, who made a post as part of a paid partnership, said, "Chobani wants me to try the Chobani Flip and rank my top 3 flavors? Let's eat!" Nodding enthusiastically with each bite, he tried the Cookie Dough, S'More S'Mores, and Cookies & Cream (which earned first place in his opinion). User gruncleanna declared her love for Chobani in a video entry and said she deserved to be chosen as the Chief Flavor Tester because she's secretly a gnome who "only eat[s] Chobani Flips." User rightmeow1844 got in on the action with a review that featured multiple children and at least one adult in what looked like a wholesome family scene. So there are different approaches and more than 21 Flip flavors to choose from.


