Little Debbie's Christmas Tree Cakes Ice Cream Just Returned To Walmart

Throughout the year, millions of dessert-lovers of all ages enjoy the many products offered by the brand Little Debbie. Oatmeal Cream Pies, Honey Buns, Swiss Ross, Zebra Cakes ... the options can seem nearly endless. In late fall, fans also enjoy the seasonal Christmas tree-shaped cakes adorned with green sprinkles, which never seem to be on the shelves for long enough.


But this year, Little Debbie and Walmart have teamed up to one-up those Christmas Tree Cakes by offering the ice cream version for a second year. According to The Sacramento Bee, the pint-sized ice cream is now available on shelves at select Walmart locations and at for about $2.50 each.

This festive frozen treat features vanilla-flavored Hudsonville Ice Cream mixed with chunks of Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes, including the signature red frosting and green sprinkles, according to 99.5 WKDQ. Hopefully this year, you won't have to worry about your local store selling out; The Sacramento Bee says Little Debbie has produced twice as much of the popular ice cream than it did in 2021.


What people are saying about the ice cream

If you've never tried this limited-edition Little Debbie Christmas ice cream, you'll be happy to know that most of the online reviews are positive — last year, it seemed like the biggest problem people had with the Christmas Tree Cake ice cream was that they couldn't find it at their local Walmart. Although The Impulsive Buy rated it a 7 out of 10, the reviewer complimented the combination of the soft cake pieces with the soft ice cream. Other reviews on the page are a mixed bag, with one person stating she was disappointed by the frosting and another reviewer saying they loved it.

Advertisement shows 14 reviews for the product, most of which are five- and four-star reviews. One reviewer calls the ice cream "amazziiingg" while another says it's "soo good." A writer for 99.5 WKDQ also tried the ice cream and loved it. You can also find reviews of the ice cream on YouTube. Since it sold out at stores last year, it's safe to assume that the cake-ice cream mashup was a hit with most Little Debbie fans and will be the same this year.

The Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes Ice Cream will be available for a limited time, exclusively at Walmart stores, to "make holiday moments even sweeter," as the label promises.

