The Mystery Of The Missing Spring Roll Is Plaguing GBBO Fans

Amid ongoing news of inflation and economic issues, shows like the "Great British Bake Off" can provide a mental getaway for fans. But as it turns out, the show is also struggling with accounting issues, albeit with something as inconsequential as balancing a portion of spring rolls.


For a relatively calm show about baking, where contestants are always willing to help each other, "GBBO" creates a lot of controversy. One particularly common flavor of this controversy is all the cooking methods Prudence Leith, Paul Hollywood, and the producers of "GBBO" categorize as "baking."

In Episode 4's "Mexican Week," viewers learned that tacos, for instance, can fall under the baking category. And the show's "Pastry Week" tasked the contestants with deep-frying spring rolls. This task had some (as one Twitter user put it) "looking for the baking in the 'Great British Bake Off.'" As if in protest of its estrangement to baking, one such deep-fried spring roll disappeared without a trace.


Janusz and the missing Spring Roll

Janusz, Carole, and Sandro have long since found a cozy place in "GBBO" fans' hearts. Be that as it may, Janusz' reputation for being able to count is tarnished by his garibaldi biscuit mistake in Episode 1, when he originally made 24 biscuits instead of 12, per The Spool.


In "Pastry Week," the challenge was to produce eight deep-fried spring rolls. Come judgment time, Paul Hollywood had no qualms with the quality of Janusz's spring rolls but christened the fact that there were seven instead of the prescribed eight with his signature phrase: "It's a shame," per Metro. The plot thickened when even Janusz showed surprise that there were not eight. Naturally, Twitter reacted to this. "I'm behind because I spent the entire ad break rewinding to try and spot the missing spring roll," tweeted one fan. Another viewer captioned the infamous "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" Charlie Day meme with the words: "me for the rest of the episode trying to figure out what happened to the 8th spring roll."


Does the answer to the enigma lie in the uncut material? The show, for its part, had a funny tweet in response to the news, too: "Great Television Mysteries Of Our Time: Who Shot JR? (Dallas) Who Killed Laura Palmer? (Twin Peaks) Who is H? (Line Of Duty) Where is Janusz's Eighth Spring Roll? (The Great British Bake Off)."

