The Viral Karen-Inspired Diner Is Coming To The US At Multiple Locations

Do you long to be surrounded by Karens? Do you wonder if you're a Karen and wish to be with your own kind? Do you secretly wish someone would tell you what the french toast a Karen is? According to the BBC, a Karen is a term that's cropped up in meme culture in the last few years to refer to a certain kind of white woman who weaponizes her privilege in entitled, grating, and sometimes racist ways. A Karen is the kind of woman who's rude to service staff and a classic Karen move is to demand to speak to a manager. (However, some Karens, like one customer who went viral for yelling at a Jack-in-the-Box worker, are men.)


The Karen is classically associated with the signature short and choppy in the back, long and sideswept in the front haircut popularized by TLC's Kate Gosselin. While the haircut is popular with middle-aged white women — the prime Karen demographic — the style's originator was known for being difficult, demanding, and even demeaning, so this may be a case of the chicken and the egg. Curious about seeing this hairstyle in person without dealing with any actually bad behavior? Simply pop by the Australian Karen-themed diners that are making their way stateside.

Service with a devious smile

Australian chain Karen's Diner encourages you to unleash your inner Karen. The brand will be opening its first permanent U.S. location in St. Louis, Missouri on November 18, according to Fox 2 Now. Not only do they encourage patrons to let their entitlement out of the bag, you can expect the staff to treat you like something that needs to be scraped off their shoe as well. In a cute, infinitely Instagrammable diner interior with multiple photo-op areas, you can ask the staff to take time out of their busy schedules to snap your pic and expect to get the bird in response. They'll still take your picture; the attitude is just their brand — locations in Australia have been known to spotlight the worst-dressed patrons in the room (via Instagram). The whole restaurant may participate in games, contests, or a rousing round of the YMCA. They also do insulting paper hats, like the kinds one might find at Dick's Last Resort, but labeled with the sorts of things a Karen might complain about. By the time you've finished your meal, even a non-Karen might have a hankering to see the manager.


While the diner has multiple locations in Australia, New Zealand, and the U.K., the fast-growing operation plans to open as many as eight pop-up locations in the U.S. in the next 18 months (via Explore Hidden). Locations are slated for Cleveland, Denver, Austin, Houston, San Francisco, New York, L.A., and Chicago, so wherever you are, there'll be a coven of Karens nearby ready to tell you you're doing it wrong, whatever "it" is.

