For Better Or Worse, Stouffer's Just Made Lasagna Bloody Marys A Thing

Upon reading that Stouffer's has found a way to blend the Bloody Mary with lasagna, you likely did a double-take, re-reading the headline to make sure you hadn't made a mistake. Yes, the company that's famous for frozen dishes such as lasagna, Salisbury steak, and the calorie-conscious Lean Cuisine, has officially stuck its big toe into the realm of alcoholic beverages. Because of its versatility, the Bloody Mary is a logical place to start. 


The Bloody Mary has achieved great fame in the cocktail world, originally relying on what says were seven ingredients to create its trademark taste: "vodka, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, black pepper, celery salt, Tabasco, and lemon juice." Eater explains that it has been tweaked and toyed with by bartenders far and wide, leading to new variations. The Bloody Maria replaces the vodka with tequila or mezcal, the Canadian Bloody Caesar uses Clamato (a blend of clam and tomato juice), and the Green Mary is based on tomatillos, a green tomato. According to Feast + West, people have also gone a tad hog-wild when it comes to garnishes, eschewing the traditional lemon wedge or celery stick in favor of a mini cheeseburger, an onion ring, a meatball, or a piece of fried chicken. 


Clearly, the Bloody Mary has never been one to cling to the status quo, instead eagerly welcoming new and unorthodox ingredients into its glass. Still one must wonder how Stouffer's has managed to make a lasagna Bloody Mary an actual thing. 

This Bloody Mary mix has lasagna's herb flavoring

How does Stouffer's propose to combine lasagna with a classic Bloody Mary? With its new Lasagna-Inspired Bloody Mary Mix, of course. In a press release provided to Mashed, Stouffer's brand marketing manager stated, "For decades, Stouffer's Lasagna has had a special place at holiday tables. This season, we created a new way for our fans to enjoy the same classic Stouffer's Lasagna taste without turning on the oven." Oven-weary home chefs are bound to consider that a win. 


What does this cocktail mix taste like? According to FanSided, it has been seasoned with herbs to give it a lasagna-esque taste. The outlet suggests pairing it with gin, rather than vodka, to play up the savory flavor. If you love lasagna and have been known to enjoy a Bloody Mary or two, this is your perfect opportunity to unite two of your favorite things. 

If you'd like to get your paws on a Lasagna Bloody Mary Mix, you'll need to visit Stouffer's online store on November 14 — the company will be giving away free bottles while quantities last. This freebie will include a coupon for a free Stouffer's lasagna, along with a recipe. This leads to an important question: Should you secure a piece of lasagna to a swizzle stick or just plunk it into the glass whole? 


