Sunny Anderson's Day-Old Donut Trick Will Literally Elevate Your Life

As great as donuts are, there's no denying the fact that they don't keep too well. Whether it's regular cake donuts drying out or cider mill donuts getting soggy, donuts simply don't stay fresh for long. We're left with no choice but to eat them or throw them out, and that's just sad.


However, there might be a way to save these day-old treats from the trash without subjecting ourselves to crusty or mushy donuts. Our beloved Sunny Anderson shared a donut-saving tip on Twitter, and it could very well be the donut hack of the century.

While Bon Appétit and other sites recommend using old donuts to make something entirely different — like donut bread or donut bread pudding — Anderson's hack is all about celebrating the day-old donut exactly how it is. Well, maybe with a few touch-ups, but you get the point. So what is this groundbreaking donut hack?

Turn day-old donuts into a decadent dessert

If you've got day-old (or even older) donuts and don't know what to do with them, Sunny Anderson has a nifty donut trick you might want to try. According to one of Anderson's Twitter posts, all you have to do to refresh these donuts is "put 'em in a waffle iron," and then "remove and top with ice cream."


In a later Tweet, Anderson added, "So crispy and cushy at the same time. You don't even really need the ice cream." This may be true, but obviously ice cream and waffles pair perfectly together, or we wouldn't have waffle cones. So definitely pile on that ice cream if you really want to take your donut waffle to the next level.

One of Anderson's fans raised a very important question as to what kind of donuts this hack works with. She said both yeast and cake, but noted that "cake donuts will need non-stick spray or butter on the iron." And there you have it, folks. Get out your cooking spray and day-old donuts, and let's add donut waffles to the list of delicious things you can make in a waffle iron.


