You Can Win A Lifetime Supply Of Bacon From Oscar Mayer On World Vegan Day

When you think of Oscar Mayer the first thing that probably springs to mind is the Oscar Mayer Wiener and definitely not anything to do with veganism. As a publicity stunt, the meat products company has decided to give away a lifetime supply of bacon to those who abstain from the pork product on World Vegan Day, November 1, 2022. 


According to Animal Rights Zone, the international day was started in 1994 by the then-U.K. Vegan Society president, Louise Wallis. She said she chose the day because "I liked the idea of this date coinciding with Samhain/Halloween and the Day of the Dead — traditional times for feasting and celebration." The purpose of the day is not only to raise awareness about veganism but for those following this particular lifestyle to come together by either holding an event or "inviting friends or family for a vegan dinner."

Claiming their support of the day, Oscar Mayer has said they will remove the image of bacon from their paid advertising, blurring out or censoring images of the product.

Oscar Mayer's World Vegan Day promotion details

According to the pork company, a survey showed that 63% of vegans wish they could eat bacon and 56% said bacon was tempting. Therefore many vegans found it difficult to commit to their diet. 

The Chicago-based company Oscar Mayer is owned by Kraft Heinz and is well known across America for its deli meats and weiners. 


A link to the advertisement was posted on the r/vegan subreddit with the label "disturbing." One commenter suggested, "Don't post links to animal abusers. It helps them. They want vegans to make comments for controversy." 

According to an article on the BBC, veganism tends to inspire, what psychologists suggest, is an irrational stigma amongst particular groups of people — equivalent to the stigma people have for drug addicts. As the Akron Beacon Journal points out, the meat industry doesn't like competition and will sometimes take extraordinary lengths to quell those who prefer plant-based products.

Taking advantage of the World Vegan Day event as a platform for its own promotion, Oscar Mayer is offering bacon lovers the chance to win a lifetime supply of bacon. In order to enter, you must comment on either the Facebook or Instagram page, tag at least two other people, and include hashtags #OscarMayerBacOff #sweepstakes. You can also enter on Twitter in the same way but you must retweet the post rather than just comment on it. 


