Cheetos Just Dropped A 'Mac 'N Cheese Box Of Bones' For Halloween

Since Cheetos introduced its Mac 'N Cheese products, there hasn't been a lot of change in the lineup. Back in 2020, Today reported the snack brand was launching three flavors of the Mac 'N Cheese including Bold & Cheesy, Flamin' Hot, and Cheesy Jalapeno, and according to Cheetos' website, those same three options are still available today. When it comes to its corn puff snacks, however, The Impulsive Buy points out Cheetos has offered the snacks in a range of shapes including eggs, snowflakes, paws, stars, and bones.


When it comes to shape-shifting, it turns out Halloween is as good of a time as any. According to Brand Eating, Cheetos Mac 'N Cheese is getting in on the shape game with its "Box of Bones." The outlet explains that the new, seasonal version has the same flavor as the Bold & Cheesy variety but features pasta shaped like bones (including a skull, from the look of the box). And, if the name "Box of Bones" sounds familiar, it's probably because Cheetos already offers its White Cheddar and Cinnamon Sugar corn puff snacks in a similarly-named Bag of Bones variety. The obvious question on everyone's mind, now, is: what to wear when eating this new bony pasta?

Sweepstakes winners can even dress as Mac 'N Cheese for Halloween

While we have a sneaking suspicion that Cheetos was trying to land on a list of kid-friendly meals with its Mac 'N Cheese Box of Bones pasta, the brand is also hosting a giveaway featuring pasta-themed, adult-sized costumes. According to the contest rules, potential entrants have until October 25 to try their luck at winning one of 60 glow-in-the-dark costumes and a box of the seasonal Mac 'N Cheese by entering online. Judging by the appearance of the onesie, we certainly won't argue with Cheetos' claim that it created the "cheesiest" costume ever.


Overall, Cheetos Mac 'N Cheese has received reviews ranging from positive to not-so-positive. Costco shoppers had some especially harsh feedback, including on Reddit where one person wrote, "Bold and cheesy are a lie. I like Kraft, pretty much any flavor, but this was tasteless." Meanwhile, on YouTube, Steph Pappas tried out the trifecta of Cheetos Mac 'N Cheese flavors and concluded "they're all so good." As for the new skeleton-inspired offering, TikTok user @munchwithdes found the Cheetos Box of Bones to be "pretty good" despite not liking boxed mac and cheese in general and even seemed to enjoy it with some added corn puff Cheetos on top. Could it possibly be that preference, when it comes to mac and cheese, is as unique to each person as their own bones?


