Whole Foods' 'Trends Box' Has 10 Hand-Picked Items That Supposedly Taste Like 2023

Every year, Whole Foods announces its predictions for food and beverage trends and has done so for the last eight years in a row. Using a panel of experts, which includes "culinary experts, buyers, foragers, food lovers" (via Whole Foods), the brand dives into what people will be craving both on their dining room tables as well as in its restaurants in the next year. This annual trend report has become one of the most anticipated of the year, both for those within the industry as well as for consumers who are always looking to try the next big thing.


"Our trends predictions are an exciting look at where we believe both product innovation and customer preferences are headed in the coming year. We anticipate seeing these trends in the food industry at large, on dinner tables, in lunch boxes and on our store shelves," said Sonya Gafsi Oblisk, Chief Marketing Officer at Whole Foods Market in a press release. Last year, as reported by Progressive Grocer, yuzu and hibiscus made the list.

Oblisk also noted, "We're thrilled to see things like baked goods with upcycled pulp from plant-based milks and ingredients like farmed kelp continue to gain popularity. From product labels that include sustainability efforts to poultry and egg suppliers that are leading the way in animal welfare, many of this year's trends predictions showcase brands on a mission to make a true impact. We look forward to watching these trends come to life in our aisles in 2023."


What are the trends?

Trends like sunflower seeds and nonalcoholic drinks were predicted for 2022 (per Progressive Grocer). This year, Whole Foods has broken down the list into 10 different categories, each representing a trend that is expected to continue and grow moving into 2023. While some of these trends have appeared previously, there are others that are not only new but also possibly surprising (via Whole Foods).


The trends include yaupon, an American tea that comes from a holly bush and is becoming popular both hot and in cocktails; innovations in upcycling byproducts from nut milk; more plant-based pasta alternatives made from both vegetables and fruits; date syrup as a sweetener, especially for home bakers; shoppers choosing chicken and eggs from companies that put birds' lives first; kelp, a type of seaweed that is climate-friendly, regrows quickly, and helps aquaculture ecosystems; brands making an effort to reduce their climate change impact; vintage snacks (like pizza bites and cereals) reinvented as healthy treats; better quality dog food; and avocado oil, which is "finally going mainstream" according to the grocery chain.


Where to try the trends

Even more exciting is that you can actually taste what 2023 is going to be like for yourself. For the second year, Whole Foods has put together the Whole Foods Market Trends Discovery Box in correlation with its trend forecast announcement. Available for $30 "while supplies last," this curated food box contains 10 different products, one from each trend that Whole Foods has predicted will be popular in the next year.  


The box includes Yaupon Brothers Lavender Coconut Tea; Renewal Mill Oat Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix; Solely Green Banana Fusilli; Just Date Syrup; Vital Farms Organic Restorative Eggs Coupon and Hat; 12 Tides Organic Puffed Kelp Chips Everything; Moonshot Snacks Sourdough Sea Salt Crackers; Portland Pet Food Company Brew Biscuits; Siete Foods Queso Potato Chips; and GOODLES Cheddy Mac. 

Is your interest piqued? You can sign up to purchase your box of 2023 goodies on the Whole Foods Market Trends Discovery Box website.

