Trader Joe's Is Already Cashing In On The Negroni Sbagliato

The latest internet fad, Emma D'Arcy and the negroni sbagliato, is creating a stir, per Insider. Trader Joe's has decided to capitalize on the opportunity.

If you are a regular visitor to TikTok, you may have stumbled across Emma D'Arcy eloquently pronouncing the words "negroni sbagliato ... with prosecco in it." The video has netizens swooning, probably watching it on repeat and thinking, "Oh, say it again," while the rest search for cocktail bars to try out the phrase and the drink. "[I] can't believe I'm asking this but ... where in Pittsburgh does one find a Negroni Sbagliato ... ?" a fan tweeted. They need not worry, as it turns out.


Whether the drink will become mainstream or if it is just a flash in the pan, the relevant businesses are aware of the trend and primed for it, per Harper's Bazaar. While logic dictates that the trend will target bars the most, Trader Joe's, obviously up to speed with TikTok's whims, is also on the bandwagon.

Trader Joe's is trying to get in on the fad

It's nearly three weeks after HBO MAX posted the instigating TikTok video, and we are seeing evidence of just how far-reaching the effects of this trend are. A Twitter user photographed a dedicated display in a Trader Joe's liquor section with the components of the now-famous Negroni Sbagliato. The display was complete with Campari, Prosecco, Vermouth, and even navel oranges for garnish with a large signboard saying "Negroni Sbagliato" in bright orange.


Due to the unfortunate fact that Emma D'Arcy did not elaborate on the recipe, Trader Joe's has done the honors on its sign board. According to the retailer, the accidentally invented cocktail (per The Tab) requires 1½ ounces of Campari and Sweet Vermouth and is topped up with Prosecco to produce D'Arcy's favorite drink, per Twitter.

One does wonder if taking the DIY route will provide the same gratification as ordering a "negroni, sbagliato ... with prosecco in it" from a bar. Either way, Trader Joe's has come to the party for those who want to try D'Arcy's distinguished favorite in the comfort of their homes.

