The Unexpected Spicy Cereal That's Only Available At Walmart

Cinnamon Toast Crunch has been a beloved breakfast staple since it first hit supermarket shelves in 1984 (per MentalFloss). The General Mills property has been banking on its nostalgic flare as of late in a series of Cinnamon Toast Crunch-branded items and limited edition flavors. Some of the brand's most mouthwatering flavors include the sweet caramel tasting Dulce de Leche Toast Crunch, Apple Pie Toast Crunch, and the Cinnamon Toast Crunch creme de la creme, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros (via General Mills). 


In addition to novelty flavors, cereal fans can also find Cinnamon Toast Crunch-themed items in other areas of their local supermarket including Cinnamon Toast Crunch-flavored pancake and cake mix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch frosting, and even Cinnamon Toast Crunch-flavored milk that allows customers to enjoy their favorite cinnamon flavor without ever having to venture into the cereal aisle. 

If General Mills' previous Cinnamon Toast Crunch items weren't enough to keep fans of the cereal satisfied, the brand has released a new Cinnamon Toast Crunch flavor that has taken the internet by storm in recent months.

CinnaFuego gives fans a cinna-kick

General Mills launched its new CinnaFuego edition of the popular cereal in the summer of 2022 (via Food Business News). The flavor offers the same trademark sweet cinnamon flavor that fans love with the added hint of spicy pepper. The result is a mix of sweet and spicy that is reminiscent of certain cinnamon candies. 


The flavor has been meet with controversy online, with cereal lovers taking to Reddit to express their delight and concern over the spicy breakfast food. One Reddit user admitted that while the spicy cereal might not be the best item for an enjoyable breakfast, the spicy Cinnamon Toast Crunch edition may be better suited for alternate purposes. "I'm thinking of crushing it up into some ice cream. CinnaGraham Toast Crunch in vanilla ice cream is heavenly, so this may translate into something interesting" (via Reddit). A red hot version of Cinnamon Toast Crunch ice cream sounds like a dessert we'd love to try! 

