Samin Nosrat's Stance On Veganism Is Too Relatable

We're just going to go ahead and say it: Being a vegan is hard for some people. Pondering a vegan lifestyle is easy to do when you're sipping on your creamy iced latte while spreading cream cheese on your bagel, but what happens when you actually have to give up on meat and dairy? The plant-based route can be daunting and require a lot of willpower.


Samin Nosrat would agree. The New York Times bestselling author of "Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat" is an aspiring, and admittedly not-always-successful "daytime vegan," which basically means she has a strict plant-based-products-only policy until sunset (via The Arizona Republic). But what could have possibly motivated a chef to give up on the kebabs she has previously said she loves so much?

After reading Jonathan Safran Foer's book "We Are The Weather," Nosrat felt compelled to take action against climate change and quickly realized it had to start with what goes on her plate. "And I just sighed to myself, like, Oh, God, I've really got to do this. Am I going to be a person who acts, or am I going to be a person who doesn't act?" she told The New Yorker.


Being a chef means she has all the tools and techniques to transform the boring into lip-smackingly palatable, but does that make veganism easy for Nosrat? Apparently not.

Samin Nosrat's relatable take on veganism

Speaking with The New Yorker's Helen Rosner, Samin Nosrat shared how lives alone and tends to make simple meals, such as "rice, a vegetable, and an egg or tofu, or maybe a salad" to suit her part-time vegan life. "But if you have to eat that multiple times a day, that gets hard, and it's boring," she confessed. So she's getting more creative with vegan cooking. Nosrat is doing her bit to save the environment, but wearing a green cape isn't easy. "I'm trying hard, and I fail almost every day. But I'm trying. I'm talking about it. I'm engaging with it," she said after enjoying a tuna lunch with Rosner.


Nosrat previously told The Arizona Republic she doesn't like being a vegan, and if she had to fully give up on dairy foods she so adores, she admittedly couldn't do it at all. Other dairy lovers who've switched to a vegan diet might find her struggles relatable. One Redditor expressed their frustration at not being able to use eggs or dairy to replicate dishes because vegan cheese doesn't exactly taste like the real thing. "Being vegan is hard work and I can't go back to how I used to eat, but I'll always miss that part of my life," they wrote. Echoing Nosrat's feelings on veganism, another Redditor wrote, "The only reason why I still do it is because I love animals and I don't want to do anything to hurt them."


