Reddit Is In Shambles Over A Flat White Coffee Joke

If you've ever had questions about flat whites, you've come to the right place. Originally from Australia and New Zealand, the flat white is very similar to a latte. According to Perfect Daily Grind, a flat white is served in a smaller cup than a latte, and typically contains two shots of espresso rather than one. Traditionally, flat whites also have less foam than lattes, but the key difference comes down to the milk-to-coffee ratio.


As you might expect from a drink like this, many people have a strict definition of what constitutes a flat white. You can find Reddit threads with upset baristas talking about customers ordering modified "flat whites," commenting things like "I cried a little," and "Some customers just need to be educated."

On the other end of the spectrum, a lot of Starbucks employees enjoy poking fun at the fussiness surrounding "true" flat whites. Another Reddit thread took this route, and the results are pretty spectacular. 

Reddit's flat white coffee is top tier comedy

The Starbucks Reddit page couldn't stop laughing after one person shared a photo of their own flat white coffee, topped with plenty of bubbles and a perfect white dot. In their caption, they wrote, "I see baristas posting their flat whites and I wanted to share mine."


Naturally, many Redditors were impressed with this Starbucks flat white. One commented, "Those bubbles look so realistic," and another wrote, "I'm extremely impressed, 10/10 flat white right there." Someone else called it the "most perfect flat white" they'd ever seen, and recommended using this picture "for the menu boards."

A few people were a bit confused about the drink, inquiring specifically about the white dot. One Reddit user asked, "Is that a communion wafer?" Another guessed, "Is that a to-go sticker?" to which a Starbucks supervisor replied, "No, it's a flat white." Others critiqued the placement of the dot, saying it was off-center. It's no wonder so many baristas consider this drink to be one of the hardest orders to replicate at home.


