Reddit Is Losing It Over An Out-Of-Season Starbucks Beverage

Nothing quite beats the first sip of a freshly brewed cup of coffee. No matter your caffeine preference, Starbucks has deemed itself to be one of the true pioneers of quick-service, gourmet coffee in the world with over 33,800 stores worldwide (via Statista). It's that unmistakable Starbucks smell that lures us in and nearly begs us to order a pumpkin spice latte.


Once the chain's in-app mobile ordering launched in 2014, the way the world consumed coffee changed forever. What turned into having to wait in line during the morning rush to work was quickly improved with ordering ahead of time and avoiding the line altogether. According to Geek Wire, over 26% of all Starbucks orders in the United States are now made through the mobile app. While some Starbucks baristas low-key hate mobile app ordering due to the lack of knowledge of mobile ordering etiquette, if you place your order as you leave your house, it's a no-brainer time saver for many.

Whether you're the traditional black coffee drinker or lean into more of the dazzled-up Frappuccinos, most often you'll need some sips of water to help combat that coffee breath and still keep you hydrated. While asking for a cup of water in-store is easy, it seems the complete opposite on Starbucks' mobile app.


Starbucks deems water a seasonal drink

According to Starbucks, water is out-of-season right now. Yes, you heard that right. According to a Reddit thread, a Grande glass of water was deemed "out of season" and unavailable on the mobile ordering app for customers. In true Reddit fashion, a sequence of emotionally-charged Starbucks jokes and comments flood the thread. "Pumpkin spice water bby!!!" said one Reddit user, obviously ready for the fall flavors offered at the popular coffee chain. "Must be California," said another user, while someone else stated "Must be drought season."


After more research though, it seems like customers have never been able to mobile order water. "It was a glitch one day in the app and if you favorited it, it still shows as a drink to order lol. Won't actually be able to send the order through," a Starbucks barista commented. A different Reddit thread confirmed the weird no water ordering option on the mobile app, with a commenter stating, "There's no option on the app, unfortunately. I would suggest just ordering one when you pick up your drinks!"

