Whole Foods Is Getting A Trendy Tepache Beverage Brand

For years, it seemed like if you went to a friend's house and asked for something to drink, they'd open the fridge to reveal a selection of icy cold sodas. In the year 2000, the average person drank 49.3 gallons of soda pop a year, according to ThoughtCo. But The New York Times reports that in the last 20 years, soda sales have dropped more than 25 percent and are still in decline. So what exactly are people drinking these days when they want something fizzy and refreshing?


Sales of kombucha ballooned between 2014 and 2019. According to The Food Institute, the number of kombucha brands on the market has increased by about 30% a year during that time frame. Sparkling water and seltzer have also gained popularity, with sales going up 42% between 2012 and 2017 (via NPR). But now, there's a new beverage brand breaking into the mainstream, and the product has a history that goes back centuries.

De La Calle is serving up tepache

Kombucha and soda lovers alike might find themselves intrigued by De La Calle. This new brand makes tepache, a traditional Mexican drink made from fermented pineapple that's lightly fizzy and slightly sweet (via PR Newswire). De La Calle offers a modern, convenient canned version of tepache, and it just announced that it will soon be available nationwide at 537 Whole Foods stores. According to the brand, its tepache "has a unique flavor, is naturally low in sugar, and is naturally fermented." It's also sometimes considered a functional beverage because the fermented drink contains probiotics (via Science Direct). Functional drinks have beneficial effects on the body. De La Calle's tepache even got a rave review in Vice that compared its tropical flavors to a beachside cocktail.


Interested customers can look for the drink at Whole Foods, at some Target stores in California, some Kroger stores in Texas, and at The Fresh Market (via PR Newswire). But those who do have the extra time can try fermenting tepache at home. Though it should be noted that home-brewed tepache can have an alcohol content of about 2%, according to Home Brew Academy. To make the drink, interested brewers just need the peel and core of a ripe pineapple (you can eat the fruit as a snack), piloncillo, and spices like cinnamon and cloves. Put the ingredients and water in a jar and wait three to five days. Then enjoy!

