Why The World Needs Andrew Zimmern's Wild Game Kitchen

The pandemic has changed many habits, and one of the more popular skills people have started to pick up is learning how to cook and bake from scratch. Remember the sourdough craze of 2020? According to a survey from HUNTER, in 2021, roughly seven out of 10 said they would keep cooking after the pandemic was over and they were no longer stuck at home. 


But, inflation is real and it is coming for all of our wallets. With grocery store food prices soaring due to inflation, it is harder and harder to feel motivated to shop and cook yourself when the much cheaper fast food option is so tempting. When it comes to food in grocery stores, prices have gone up about 6.7% from May last year to May this year which, is already about double what it was between 2010-2020,  according to UN News. But, Andrew Zimmern's new show wants to make inflation seem a little less daunting, so he's teaching folks how to farm and cultivate food themselves.

Bringing a new light to home grown cooking

Andrew Zimmern is known for taking some wacky chances with food, but always landing on a good result — just take one look at his show "Bizarre Foods" on Travel Channel. But, while his newest venture may seem to be along the same lines, it actually tackles and helps ease the stress around food insecurity, especially in low-income households. According to Agriculture and Food Security, "home gardens have been documented as an important supplemental source contributing to food and nutritional security and livelihoods," and Stacy Lyn Harris blogs about the gains, both financial and otherwise, one can attain from being able to hunt for one's self.


Outdoor Channel's "Wild Game Kitchen" embraces the culture of farming, hunting, and fishing; whether you are doing it because it is a necessity or because you simply enjoy it. It's obvious he loves teaching people to cook and is utilizing those skills to, as he puts it on his site, help "people maximize the enjoyment of sourcing their own food." And, he is doing so by embracing "simple and easy" cooking to help "home cooks address those issues and eat in a healthier, more natural way." If anyone can do it, Zimmern can.

