Carvel Is Now Serving Your Favorite Treats For Halloween

Halloween is the season for candy lovers. Forget the one single night when free candy is given out more willingly than unwanted advice, you have to be a kid to benefit from that. But the whole month of October is usually rife with deals on giant bags of candy and candy-themed combos and collabs at your favorite fast-food restaurants.


Never one to shirk their cultural responsibility to seasonal specials, Carvel ice cream shoppes have some big shoes to fill if they're going to compete with their own 2021 Halloween promotion — which was good news for Hocus Pocus fans. While it's hard to top "Hocus Pocus"-themed Sanderson sisters shakes, with a special flavor for each colorful witchy sister, Carvel has come up with some pretty tasty treats this Halloween season. As of September 20, Carvel has launched its latest flight of seasonal treats, and while they may not literally fly like the Sanderson sisters, we're confident they'll make a beeline for any chocolate lover's heart.

Get in the Halloween spirit with Carvel treats

This Halloween season, Carvel encourages customers to CARVELebrate the little things with their decadent seasonal treats. The flavors are built on two of the most iconic Halloween candies: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Kit Kat bars (via PRNewswire). Reese's is consumer's favorite candy, according to a new survey, and this menu does not disappoint. 


The new Reese's Peanut Butter soft serve can be found in five of the eight seasonal offerings. You'll find it layered between Reese's Peanut Butter sauce, bittersweet chocolate fudge, and crushed-up peanut butter cups — all topped with whipped cream and more fudge in the Reese's dasher. It's the base of the Reese's and Kit Kat Duo dasher, beneath Reese's Peanut Butter Sauce, crushed peanut butter cups, a layer of sweet vanilla soft serve, bittersweet chocolate fudge, and crushed Kit Kats, topped once again with whipped cream and fudge. The Kit Kat dasher layers classic vanilla soft serve, bittersweet chocolate fudge, and Kit Kat chunks on repeat — finished with a swirl of whipped cream. 


You can also enjoy the Reese's Peanut Butter soft serve on its own, sandwiched between two chocolate wafer cookies in a Flying Saucer, or as a shake topped with whipped cream and crushed Reese's cups. The Kit Kat shake blends vanilla soft serve with Kit Kat pieces. The last sweet treat available is a hard ice cream scoop, featuring Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream with a bittersweet chocolate fudge ripple. Yum!

