There May Be Some New M&M's On The Way This Winter

M&M's have been around since 1941 in the U.S. and since 2003, have been enjoyed in over 100 countries worldwide. It seems people can't get enough of the tiny candy's crispy shell and smooth chocolate center. Besides that, you'd recognize the M&M's cartoon characters of Red and Yellow anywhere. And if you've ever been to Times Square, you might be familiar with the very much larger-than-life LED M&M's display over its three-level candy store.


The company also has quite a history. They declared themselves as the candy of the new millennium – since mm is the Roman numeral for 2000 — and even made it to space as the first candy to be given to astronauts on the STS-3 in 1982. Over the years, we've seen plenty of flavor variations such as White Cheesecake, Orange Vanilla Cream, and White Chocolate Snowballs. Some flavors come and go and some stick around and become a seasonal hit. Take Crunchy Espresso M&M's for instance, which was popular enough that some fans created a petition in an attempt to prompt the people at Mars — the company that owns the candy brand — to bring it back. Mars' new candy flavor is being released for the winter season, and once you see the packaging, it makes perfect sense.


Espresso and Chocolate M&M's for the winter season

Featuring milk and dark chocolate M&Ms with an espresso-flavored center, the very thought of this seasonal M&M's flavor may be enough to excite you. In addition, the packaging displays Ms. Brown M&M with a Santa hat looking very sophisticated with her steaming cup of coffee. The packaging was revealed on Instagram with the caption, "New Espresso M&M's are expected to launch for the winter holiday season!" The post has since received over 8,000 likes, with many interactions expressing excitement like, "I am so here for this!" and "Take my money!" Some people also lamented the disappearance of the Crunchy Espresso flavor.


One commenter on Instagram wondered if the flavor contained caffeine, which is a question many people will be curious about. While most kids will likely stay away from anything coffee-flavored due to its bitter taste, there are adults who would prefer to keep their caffeine consumption to a minimum. This information will likely be on the packaging once the product is released in stores. Based on the packaging images, we should expect to see these Espresso M&Ms sometime before Christmas.

