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The Truth About Lidia Bastianich's Ex-Husband, Felice
Celebrity chef Lidia Bastianich is certainly famous in the foodie world, but what many might not know is that she began owning restaurants alongside her former husband, Felice "Felix" Bastianich. Felice was born in Istarska, Croatia, in 1940 and later immigrated to the United States — just as Lidia did from Italy.
Felice met Lidia at her 16th birthday party and it was through the subsequent growth of their relationship and eventual marriage that Felice's passion for restaurants began to grow side by side with his wife and business partner. Felice’s legacy also includes the two children he had with Lidia: Tanya and Joe Bastianich, both of whom went on to also work in the food business.
Despite their 31-year marriage, Felice and Lidia Bastianich decided to part ways in 1997 and filed for divorce. The divorce is rumored to stem from business disagreements. After the divorce, Felice decided to leave the family restaurants and gave his shares in the business to Joe and Tanya.
Following the divorce, Felice launched his own business, bought vineyards in the north of Italy and eventually remarried. The cause of Felice’s death at 70 years old on December 12, 2010, has remained under wraps by his family and is unknown to the public. It is estimated Felice Bastianich was worth about $1 million at the time of his death.